I have been doing some of the smallest scale free motion quilting that I have ever done. I really like how it is turning out. I was so inspired by the intricate work of Cindy Needham at her workshop I just had to give it a try.
I wanted to add some color to this realatively neutral piece of work. I think the yellow brings out the star shape in the middle. I am using a 60 weight thread with some shine to it.
just a thought....

Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Learned so much at the Cindy Needham workshop!
I had a fabulous learning experience today. Here is my unfinished work from the workshop.
Pictured above is the front.
Below is the back.
This was my first time quilting with wool batting. I felt like I was sewing on butter. It was so easy to slide around in my machine.
This type of cloth is called cherrywood fabric. I had never heard of it before but I really love it.
For the bobbin I used 60 wt. Bottom line thread. I have never tried using a thinner thread in the bobbin but it works really well. Cindy brought so many types of great thread along. I am going to have to go thread shopping now. I didn't realize how important thread choice is before.
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
New mystery quilt
Well, fall is here. We just had our first Crescent Quilters meeting of the year. We have "school year" beginning and endings to our year. I came home with instructions for choosing fabric for this year's mystery quilt. This is very exciting for me. Here are the fabrics I have chosen for this year's quilt.
I hope they work out!
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Dense quilting makes unquilted areas pop
I am so excited about how this quilting is turning out. I wanted this block to have little houses with a heart. This is to symbolize that the heart is in one's home. I densly quilted the area around the heart but left the heart unquilted. See how the heart just pops? It almost looks like I stuffed it with extra batting but I didn't.
Saturday, 5 September 2015
FMQ disaster recovery
I had some free motion quilting that I really didn't like. It took only a few minutes to stictch it but nearly two hours to pick it out. I knew almost right from the beginning that I didn't like it. At first I thought that if I just keep throwing more thread at it that somehow it would improve. Well it didn't. It was just going from bad to worse. I had to take my seam ripper and tweezers to it. I had to be very careful because I didn't want to damage the fabric. Once all the thread was out I was left with a bunch of small holes from the needle. I had to get rid of them. See them on the blue square?
I took a soaking wet facecloth and dabbed it onto the area. I was really happy that once it dried the holes were no longer visible.
Now the block is redone. I choose a completly different design. I am happy that I took the time to pick it all out. I like the way it turned out now. I can't see where I picked it out at all.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
FMQ— mixing curves with straight lines
Something I learned recently is that curves look great with some straight lines mixed in close to them. I had this concept in mind when planning how to FMQ this block.
Although my straight lines aren't as straight as I would have liked them to be they do break up the curves look quite nicely.
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Dots & dashes in a circular design
I decided to make a bold choice for a modern looking background filler on this block. I put a twist on what I learned in the latest Craftsy course I have enrolled in called "Divide and conquer." In the course I learned how to quilt dots and dashes in a straight line. I made this bold filler pop even more by using a contrasting thread. I found out it is not easy sewing perfectly round circles! Overall I achieved the look I was going for even if the circles didn't all turn out perfect.
Monday, 17 August 2015
Dividing and conquering my quilt
Sometimes it feels like I don't know what area of my quilt to work on. The quilt is big and sometimes I feel like it will never be finished. I have to push myself to concentrate on one area at a time. I am learning to divide and conquer this quilt bit by bit in my latest Crafty course called " "Divide and conquer " by Lori Kennedy. The sqaurish shaped flower in the center of this block and the corner red on navy flowers in the four corners are from this course.
So far I am really enjoying this course. I would recommend it to anyone who is feeling stuck or overwhelmed with their free motion quilting project.
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Using varigated thread for interest
I was looking for a thread to quilt Rosie's arm. I started picking up all different threads. The one that looked kind of like a skin tone to me was this one.
The surprising part about this is that it is a varigated thread made up of mauve and yellow. I almost didn't buy it. Then I decided it may add interest to the quilt. From far her arm will just look like skin tone. Only upon close inspection will you be able to see that is a varigated thread made of mauve and yellow. Here is my work so far. Now take a look up close. See if you can pick out the mauve and yellow.
The surprising part about this is that it is a varigated thread made up of mauve and yellow. I almost didn't buy it. Then I decided it may add interest to the quilt. From far her arm will just look like skin tone. Only upon close inspection will you be able to see that is a varigated thread made of mauve and yellow. Here is my work so far. Now take a look up close. See if you can pick out the mauve and yellow.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
FMQ hearts can be a little tricky
I had an area where I wanted to quilt three equal hearts stacked on top of each other. At first I just took a white pencil and drew a line down the middle. I put yellow thread in the machine so that they would really stand out. Boy was that a disaster. I wound up picking it all out. I was not able to sew them evenly. The next thing I decided to do was create freezer paper templates and iron them on.
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Thoughtful use of quilting lines to create appearance of depth
I am still in the process of quilting this block. Here is my work so far. Just wanted to talk a little about the orange diamond shapes around the blue star.
I wanted to somehow give it some depth. Notice the two on the bottom. They are done in a diamond shaped spiral. Now see the two on the top. They are done in a wide V shape echo. Since I am no expert in creating depth, I drew it out on paper many times first to see what directions the lines would look best.
Once I decided on how I wanted to quilt it I did not bother with pre marking. These are relatively small areas that I was quilting quite densly therefore I didn't feel the need to mark it first. I was quite pleased with the outcome.
Monday, 27 July 2015
Using A French Curve Template To Make Quilting Design
I bought a set of French Curve Templates at a local art store recently. Today was the first time I used one of them. Actually I just used a small portion of one. I had a square I wanted to fill with a circular design. I tried it on paper first. Then I cut the design out and auditioned it on the fabric. I was happy with how it filled the space so I pulled out my water soluble marking pen and drew it on the fabric. I drew a small dot right in the center of the square. I placed the tip of the French Curve on the dot then traced a curve. Then I moved it over a bit keeping the tip on the center dot. No measuring or math, I just tried to make them as even as possible every time I moved the curve over. Next I free motion quilted it. I was pretty happy with the result.
Friday, 24 July 2015
How do I decide when to pick out some FMQ work?
I try not to pick out my free motion quilting--- but occasionally I feel like I just have to. I am by no means an expert at free motion quilting. I still feel like I am learning with every project I do. When I see an area that I am not happy with I leave it for a few days. After this amount of time I often decide that it doesn't really bother me enough to pick it out. If after that amount of time my eyes keep going back to that spot and resting there it just has to go. Below I have circled an area that I just couldn't live with. I picked it out and did it over. My eyes no longer rest on that spot.
Was the trouble worth it? I think so. I had to carefully pick out enough thread so it was long enough to tie knots any bairey them. It took about 15 minutes of my time.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Finally I have started quilting my Rosie quilt!
I spent last week basting and stitching in the ditch ESS (every stinking seam) Whew I'm glad that part is done! now for the fun part-- I just started free motion quilting it today. I was inspired to make a variation of a poppy flower that I read about on "The Inbox Jaunt" blog. (I love that blog, great tutorials) Here is my work so far.
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Home sewn receiving baby blankets
One of my favorite things to sew are receiving blankets. I use one meter of fabric for each blanket. I round the corners off. Then I use my serger to go all the way around. I made these three blankets tonight for a baby gift for my friend. I' m so excited for her!
Saturday, 23 May 2015
Spring petals quilt along
I have just completed a little project called "Spring petals quilt along". It is pictured below on my coffee table.
I have enjoyed experimenting with applique. I free motion quilted it on my sewing machine.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
May update
It's been quite some time since I have posted anything.
I completed the "Community Quilt" that I wrote about. I have donated it to the Crescent Quilters group who will donate it to a local care home. Here is a picture of the nearly completed quilt. I finished off the binding at the quilting meeting.
I completed the "Community Quilt" that I wrote about. I have donated it to the Crescent Quilters group who will donate it to a local care home. Here is a picture of the nearly completed quilt. I finished off the binding at the quilting meeting.
Here is a picture of the back.
I quilted it on my sewing machine.
It felt good to finish up the project. I still have many other unfinished projects I am working on. I will post pictures of them soon!
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